Trevor Atlas

Trevor Atlas

// Name: tiktok-images
// Description: Resize images to fit TikTok's 9:16 aspect ratio and avoid being covered by the UI
// Author: Trevor Atlas
// Twitter: @trevoratlas
// Threads: trevor.atlas
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
const sharp = await npm('sharp');
const { getAverageColor } = await npm('fast-average-color-node');
const width = 1440;
const height = 2400;
const density = 72;
const scale = .8;
const validTypes = new Set(['image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg']);
const outputPath = path.join(home(), 'Desktop', 'resized-images');
async function processImage(imageFilepath: string) {
try {
const averageColor = await getAverageColor(imageFilepath);
const image = await sharp(imageFilepath)
.withMetadata({ density })
.resize({ fit: 'inside', width: Math.floor(width * scale), height: Math.floor(height * scale) })
.png({ quality: 100 })
const color = averageColor.hex || 'black';
// Add a matching background
const background = await sharp({
create: {
channels: 4,
background: color,
.withMetadata({ density })
.png({ quality: 100})
const res = await sharp(background)
.composite([{ input: image, gravity: 'centre' }])
.png({ quality: 100 })
return res;
} catch (error) {
throw error;
interface FileInfo {
lastModified: number;
lastModifiedDate: string;//"2023-07-12T17:35:13.573Z"
name: string;
path: string;//"/Users/uname/Desktop/screenshots/Screenshot 2022-01-12 at 1.35.08 PM.png"
size: number;
type: string;//"image/png"
webkitRelativePath: string;
try {
const fileInfos: FileInfo[] = await drop('Drop images to resize');
const imagePaths = fileInfos
.filter(({type}) => validTypes.has(type))
.map(fileInfo => fileInfo.path);
if (!imagePaths.length) {
await notify('No valid images found. Supports .png, .jpg, and .jpeg');
await ensureDir(outputPath);
for (const imagePath of imagePaths) {
const image = await processImage(imagePath);
const [filename] = path.basename(imagePath).split('.');
const finalPath = path.join(outputPath, `${filename}-processed.png`);
await writeFile(finalPath, image);
console.log(`Resized ${finalPath}`);
await notify('Image(s) resized');
} catch (error) {
await notify('Error resizing images. Check the log for details.');
await open(outputPath);
// Menu: De-Acronym-ify
// Description: Replace acronyms with their full names
// Author: Trevor Atlas
// Twitter: @trevoratlas
// Shortcut: cmd ctrl opt shift a
// Group: work
import '@johnlindquist/kit';
let text = '';
const clipboardValue = await paste();
const selection = await getSelectedText();
if (selection) {
text = selection;
console.log('use selection', selection);
if (clipboardValue && !selection) {
text = clipboardValue;
console.log('use clipboard', text);
if (!text) {
text = await arg('Enter text to de-acronym-ify');
console.log('use prompt', text);
const acronyms: Array<[string | RegExp, string]> = [
['PD', 'Product Design'],
['PM', 'Product Management'],
['JS', 'JavaScript'],
['TS', 'TypeScript'],
const result = acronyms.reduce(
(acc, [acronym, expansion]) => acc.replace(acronym, expansion),
if (!selection) {
} else {
await setSelectedText(result);
// Name: humanlike typing
// Description: Type the contents of your clipboard as if you were a human
// Author: Trevor Atlas
// Twitter: @trevoratlas
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
await hide();
await applescript(String.raw`
set texttowrite to the clipboard as text
tell application "System Events"
repeat with i from 1 to count characters of texttowrite
if (character i of texttowrite) is equal to linefeed or (character i of texttowrite) is equal to return & linefeed or (character i of texttowrite) is equal to return then
keystroke return
keystroke (character i of texttowrite)
if (character i of texttowrite) is equal to " " then
delay (random number from 0.01 to 0.1)
else if (character i of texttowrite) is equal to "\n" then
delay (random number from 0.1 to 0.3)
delay (random number from 0.01 to 0.05)
end repeat
end tell
// Name: vpn
// Author: Trevor Atlas
// Twitter: @trevoratlas
// Schedule: */15 * * * *
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
tell application "System Events" to tell process "GlobalProtect"
set connectionStatus to get help of every menu bar item of menu bar 2
if item 1 of connectionStatus = "Not Connected" then
click menu bar item 1 of menu bar 2 -- Activates the GlobalProtect "window" in the menubar
click button "Connect" of window 1
end try
click menu bar item 1 of menu bar 2 -- This will close the GlobalProtect "window" after clicking Connect/Disconnect. This is optional.
end if
end tell